posted by 은이종 2021. 11. 1. 11:43

윈도우11로 업그레이드하고  정말 불편한 내용 하나


평소에도 창 풀어서 쓰고있는데

윈도우11에서는 창 단추 하나로 표시하기가 기본설정으로 되어있음...



찾아보니 3rd 프로그램중에


How to Ungroup Icons on Windows 11 Taskbar With a Registry Hack

Windows 11 has been a welcome change to the long-tested Windows OS in the past 5 years. While there were some rumors that Windows 10 was going to be the last of its kind, Microsoft soon refuted the…


을 이용하여 전처럼 창 사용 가능


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